New Komeito Middle East dispatch note the activities of even the ...


Iran president to understand Prime Minister explained to ...

New Komeito Middle East dispatch note the activities of even the ... Abe Prime Minister, met with Rouhani President of Iran coming to Japan, got the understanding of the Self-Defense Forces dispatched to the Middle East. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: Japan as the detente in the Middle East region, and we intend to play a role as possible in order to stabilize the situation in the region] Prime Minister Abe, for the Japanese ship for the dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force safety of information collection it was explained that it is objective. Rouhani President, stated that [me explain with transparency], was depending on to be understanding about the intent of the dispatch. As for the issue of nuclear development, Abe asked Prime Minister to fully implement the nuclear agreement with Europe and the United States, the other hand, Rouhani President countered with [the United States has unilaterally withdrawal], countries agreed I complained and I want you to work towards the maintenance of.
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